How To Have A Water-Wise Summer

Water Conservation Tips For A Thriving Summer

In summer, our gardens are at their most radiant. This is the season of bloom and growth, with outdoor landscapes full of bright colours, buzzing wildlife and fun opportunities.

However, with all this additional growth comes more responsibility. Maintaining a lush garden throughout the summer requires extra landscaping measures as plants are in their prime growth phase and need more to continue this bloom.

Although our gardens need more in this season, this intensified attention doesn’t have to come at the expense of our natural resources. Maintaining your garden during the hottest months of the year can put pressure on resources such as water, as more is required to keep landscapes looking their best.

While this is a possibility, it doesn’t have to be your reality. At Creative Gardens & Driveways, we understand the vital significance of water conservation, especially during the sun-beaten months of summer. We are committed to helping you create an awe-inspiring outdoor space through environmentally friendly practices.

In this guide, we are sharing some of the best water conservation tips to help you support your blooming landscapes without the additional cost to the environment.

Water Conservation In Gardening

For homeowners or garden lovers, the importance of water conservation might not be instantly understandable. It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own gardens and forget the world beyond our fence, yet the implications of water conservation matter to us all.

Regardless of whether you are mindful of your ecological footprint or not, water conservation should be an integral part of our gardening practices, particularly during the peak of summer.

This is because water is a precious resource, and conserving it is crucial for environmental sustainability and cost savings. Not only does excessive water consumption have far-reaching environmental impacts, but it also impacts your household bills as increased usage will lead to higher charges.

Lowering bills is a common goal for most households, providing another reason to consider incorporating water conservation tips into your gardening routine.

In the summer, water consumption spikes as temperatures rise and landscapes are more prone to drought. Increased water usage can result in higher bills and potential water shortages, but by altering your gardening routines, you can actively counter this while still maintaining a thriving landscape.

By adopting water-efficient landscaping practices, you can reduce water consumption, lower utility bills, and contribute to a more sustainable environment without compromising the health and beauty of your much-loved garden.

At Creative Gardens & Driveways, our water conservation tips are an effective way to lessen your environmental impact and financial burden while preserving a magnificent landscape.

What Are The Best Water Conservation Tips For My Garden?

Before integrating water conservation tips into your gardening habits, it’s important to understand the specific water requirements of your garden as this helps you make the best decision for your landscape.

Different plants have distinct water needs, and the kind of life you have in your garden can influence the care it will require as the season progresses. Some water conservation tips may not suit your specific landscape while others could boost the overall health of your garden.

It’s your judgment that will ultimately decide what water conservation tips to incorporate.

This is why, before transforming your landscape and garden upkeep routines, you should perform an extensive site evaluation. This evaluation will help you determine the areas of your garden that require more water and those that can prosper with less, making your decision about which water conservation tips to rely on this summer simpler.

Professional landscapers can conduct landscape assessments for a more exhaustive analysis if needed and assist you in deciding the most sustainable choices for your landscape.

Water Conservation Tips For All Gardens

Once you’ve established your garden’s water needs, you can start implementing the best water conservation tips to improve the condition of your landscape and lower your water consumption this summer.

These water conservation techniques, which can be applied individually or together, can help lower your water usage, protect the environment and aid in maintaining a healthy garden, even during the hottest months of the year.

Using our expertise in landscaping and passion for sustainability, we can recommend the following water conversation tips for any landscape in the region:

Choose Drought-Resistant Plants

One of the simplest yet most effective water conservation tips for your landscape is to select drought-resistant plants.

These plants naturally adapt to survive on minimal water, lessening the need for constant watering, even as temperatures escalate during the summer.

With these plants, you can still enjoy a lush, thriving garden without the additional watering typically required during this period.

Some excellent choices for a water-conserving garden include:

  • Lavender: Renowned for its beautiful purple flowers and aromatic scent, lavender not only withstands drought but also attracts pollinators, making it a fantastic addition to any thriving garden.
  • Sage: Sage, with its scented leaves and bright flowers, is an excellent addition to any landscape and doesn’t require constant watering.
  • Succulents: These hardy plants store water in their leaves, making them ideal for hot, dry conditions.
  • Native Grasses: Native grasses are well suited to local climates and need less water than traditional lawns. These can vary based on your specific location but can be a beneficial addition to all kinds of outdoor spaces in the area.

Integrating these plants into your garden plan can lead to a beautiful, sustainable landscape that consumes less water throughout the year – particularly during the hot summer months when water usage is typically at its highest.

Adopt Efficient Water Irrigation Systems

Efficient irrigation is one of the most fundamental water conservation tips you can implement for your landscape. Water irrigation systems can be a powerful tool for landscapes to reduce their water usage without affecting plant development.

Traditional sprinklers can cause extensive water waste due to evaporation and runoff making them a less-than-ideal solution for water-conscious gardeners.

For better water conservation gardening during the summer, without compromising on the health of your landscape, you may want to consider upgrading to a more efficient irrigation system, such as:

  • Drip Irrigation: This technique delivers water directly to the plant’s roots, reducing evaporation and ensuring efficient water usage.
  • Soaker Hoses: Similar to drip irrigation, soaker hoses slowly and evenly release water along their length, providing deep watering for plants.
  • Smart Irrigation Controllers: These gadgets modify watering schedules based on weather conditions, soil moisture levels, and plant needs, ensuring optimal water usage.

Properly maintaining your irrigation system is also crucial in meeting your landscape’s needs without unnecessary water usage during the summer.

Regularly checking the systems for leaks, blockages, and damaged parts ensures that water is efficiently distributed. Any essential repairs should be promptly carried out to prevent issues like water waste and costly bills.

Mulch Your Garden Beds

Mulching is one of the most efficient, yet straightforward water conservation tips for your garden. It can also be one of the most economical solutions, making it suitable for all types of landscapes.

A layer of mulch aids in maintaining soil moisture, reducing evaporation, and suppressing weeds, making it an excellent all-rounder for healthy landscapes. Organic mulches, such as wood chips, bark, and compost, also improve soil health as they decompose, providing benefits without additional care.

For water conservation tips, apply a 2-4 inch layer of mulch around your plants, ensuring that it doesn’t touch the stems or trunks, as this helps conserve moisture as the season advances.

Water Early in the Morning or Late at Night

Timing is crucial when it comes to watering your garden during the summer, which is why adjusting your watering schedule is one of the most impactful water conservation tips.

In summer, it’s advised to water your plants, lawn, and overall landscape during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late night.

Watering during these cooler times helps reduce evaporation, allowing plants to absorb water more efficiently. With reduced evaporation, your plants will receive the hydration they need, so you won’t have to water them as often.

It’s best to avoid watering during the hottest part of the day in the summer, such as midday or afternoon, as most of the water will evaporate before reaching the roots, essentially wasting water.

Group Plants with Similar Water Needs

Grouping plants with similar water needs is a practical way to ensure efficient watering and is one of the simplest water conservation tips you can rely on for your garden.

This strategy doesn’t require any additional changes or tools, just a basic restructuring of your existing garden design to support better watering schedules.

By grouping plants with high water requirements together and those with low needs in another area, you can customise your irrigation efforts to their specific needs and limit water usage across the landscape.

This practice, known as hydrozoning, helps prevent overwatering and underwatering, promoting healthier plant growth without excess water usage.

Reduce Lawn Areas

Traditional lawns require lots of watering to remain green and healthy, particularly during the hot, dry summer.

As part of ongoing water conservation tips, you may want to consider reducing the size of your lawn and replacing it with drought-resistant ground covers, native grasses, or hardscaping elements like gravel, stones, and pavers.

This will not only decrease your water usage this summer but also for future seasons, making your garden more sustainable and cheaper to care for.

For any remaining lawn areas, it’s suggested to select drought-tolerant grass species as these require less frequent watering.

Regardless of the type of lawn in your garden, it’s recommended to mow at a higher height during the summer to encourage deeper root growth and decrease water evaporation.

Collect and Recycle Rainwater

Harvesting rainwater is a brilliant water conservation tip and can provide your garden with a natural source of hydration throughout the summer.

Although summer is often associated with sunshine, the UK is known for its frequent rain showers – which continue regardless of the season. Despite this not being optimal for sun-seekers, the possibility of rain during the summer is good news for environmentally-conscious gardeners.

Install rain barrels or other collection systems to capture rain runoff from your roof, and then use this water for watering your garden, cleaning tools, or other outdoor tasks.

Rainwater is free of the chemicals typically found in tap water, making it better for your plants and helping reduce your utility bills and ecological footprint.

Regular Maintenance and Soil Improvement

Maintaining your garden and improving soil quality is crucial for water conservation. Healthy soil retains moisture more efficiently and supports robust plant growth.

During the summer, regularly aerate your soil to enhance water infiltration and reduce runoff. You can also incorporate organic matter, such as compost, into your soil to improve its structure and water-holding capacity without incurring any extra cost.

Also, promptly address any pest or disease issues to avoid the loss of plants and subsequent waste of resources. A proactive approach to maintenance will not only enhance the vitality of your garden but also contribute to its efficiency in water usage.

Consider Native Plants

Incorporating native plants into your landscape design is another exceptional way to promote water conservation.

These plants are well-adapted to local climate conditions, requiring less water and minimal upkeep once established.
Native species often possess deep-root systems that enhance soil moisture retention and provide resilience against drought conditions.

By carefully selecting indigenous flora, you create a sustainable habitat that supports local wildlife while significantly reducing the need for supplemental irrigation.

Incorporate and Enlighten Your Household

The effectiveness of water conservation tips intensifies when applied collectively – and involving your family is a brilliant method for adopting these principles this summer.

Take this season as an opportunity to educate your household and neighbours about the importance of water preservation and get them to join you in adopting water-efficient gardening techniques.

Small routines, such as turning off the faucet when not in use or understanding the benefits of indigenous flora, can instil a profound respect for water conservation tips.

When each member of the family actively contributes towards improving the garden’s water preservation efforts, the shared actions can lead to substantial water savings.

By centring water conservation tips within your family values, you not only enhance your garden’s resilience throughout the summer but also foster an ecological consciousness that can extend beyond your home.


By implementing these water conservation tips, you can effortlessly maintain a vibrant garden during the summer’s peak without the usual financial or environmental costs.

At Creative Gardens & Driveways, sustainability is our utmost priority and is considered in every facet of our operations. Deploying environmentally friendly materials such as resin-bound driveways to sustainable gardening practices, we are devoted to advocating for a more eco-friendly future.

Our water conservation tips can significantly improve your garden and the wider environment, this summer and in the years to come.

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